Privacy 2017-06-15T16:42:29+02:00


Privacy policy for the users of this website (

This page describes management procedures of personal data of users who access the website. Privacy policy is general and is written in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/03 (“Code concerning personal data protection”), called below “Law” (ex Law 675/1996), for those who consult this website:

Personal data processing will follow the principles of fairness, transparency and protection of personal privacy, explicitly following the above
mentioned law.

Personal data can be also acquired through the simple communication by mail sent to the mail addresses mentioned in the website. Personal data as name, surname, address, phone number, cell phone number, if present in the message signature, are to be considered as provided with the consensus to the data processing and will get into the Nutristar database.

Processing owner

Through the website consultation data related to identified or identifiable persons can be processed. The owner of these processed data is Nutristar, with head office in Via del Paracadutista, 9 – 42122 Reggio Emilia.

Place and procedure for data processing

Data processing linked to the website consultation takes place at Nutristar head office, communicated to the personal data protection Guarantor through a notification and treated by third parties hired by Nutristar, who carry out tasks of technical and organizational nature. Personal data are processed with electronic equipments or at least automated.

Kind of processed data

Navigation data
Computer systems and software that ensure the functioning of this website acquire personal data implicitly during the navigation of internet websites. These information are not collected to be associated to identified persons, but by their nature could allow to identify users, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties, carried out only after explicit request of Legal Authority.
In these category of data are included IP addresses or internet domain names of the computers used by customers who connects to the website, addresses in URL notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, time of the request, parameters related to the operative system and to the user’s IT platform. These data are used by Nutristar only to get anonymous statistical information about the website use and to check the proper functioning.

Data voluntarily provided by the user
Facultative, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mail to the addresses mentioned on our website entails the successive personal data acquisition, such as for example the e-mail address of the sender used by Nutristar to answer to the customer/user’s requests.


In this regard, no users’ personal data are acquired by the website. No cookies are used to transmit personal information. Use of “session cookies” (that are not memorized in a persistent way on the user’s computer and disappears with the browser closing) is strictly limited to the transmission of the session identifying necessary to allows a safe and efficient website exploration. “Session cookies” used in this website avoid the use of other information technologies potentially injurious for the confidentiality of the users’ navigation and don’t allow the acquisition of user’s identifier personal data.

Faculty of the data conferral

Besides what has been specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide time after time personal data requested by Nutristar, but the failure to transpose them can result in the inability to provide the requested services.

Information security

Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illegal or not proper uses and not authorized accesses. However, we inform you that internet communication such as e-mail/webmail, could go through different nations, before being delivered to the recipient. Nutristar can’t be responsible for every not authorized access neither for the loss of personal information outside its control.

Data subjects’ right

Subjects who personal data are referred to, have the right at any time to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of these data, and to know the content and the origin, to verify the correctness or ask for their integration or update, or rectification, within the meaning of Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003. Within the meaning of this article, you have the right to ask for the cancellation, the change in anonymous form or the blocking of processed data in violation of law, as well as you have the right to oppose to their processing, for legitimate reason, writing to Nutristar.

Responsibility for the processing.

The responsible for the processing of personal data in Nutristar is Mr. Rizzo Giuseppe, who works at the Nutristar head office in Via del Paracadutista, 9 – 42122 Reggio Emilia. The detailed list of the external responsible for the data processing and of the third parties to whom customers’ personal data can be communicated is available in the offices of Nutristar or upon written request to the office in Via del Paracadutista, 9 – 42122 Reggio Emilia.

Nutristar reserves the right to modify or amend, at any time, the present privacy policy especially by virtue of the entry into force of new sectoral legislation. In this case modifications will entry into force 15 days after the date of publication on the website.